Horsetail - an ally of beauty

Horsetail - an ally of beauty

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a plant whose healing properties have long been used in natural medicine. However, few people know about it, because this plant is commonly considered a weed. The beneficial effects of horsetail tea on humans were already known in ancient times. Horsetail is rich in flavonoids, organic acids, saponins, alkaloids, phytosterols, phenolic acids.

Horsetail for urinary tract diseases
Horsetail, due to the presence of flavonoids, increases the volume of excreted urine and removes excess urates, therefore decoctions of this plant are used as a weak diuretic in mild urinary tract diseases. It also has a mild antispasmodic effect on the bile and urinary tracts, and also seals the walls of blood vessels. In addition, it is used in urolithiasis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and gout.

Horsetail - sedative and anticonvulsant properties
Horsetail extract has potential sedative and anticonvulsant effects, which scientists attribute to the compound contained in this extract in relatively large amounts, called the flavonoid isoquercitrin.

Horsetail for heavy periods
Horsetail decoctions can be used as an aid in the case of heavy periods. Modern phytotherapy also recommends their use in bleeding from hemorrhoids, colon ulcers and gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as in nose and lung bleeding.

Horsetail for sweaty feet
If you suffer from excessive foot sweating, try horsetail. Thanks to it, excess sweat, instead of coming out to the surface of the skin, will be excreted with urine, which is why a side effect of the therapy may be more frequent visits to the toilet.

Horsetail for burns and broken capillaries
Horsetail can be used for skin damage, burns, and skin inflammation in the form of compresses. It is also used in some skin diseases caused by the accumulation of harmful metabolic products in the blood, including psoriasis. Horsetail can also be used by people struggling with vascular skin. It will strengthen the capillaries and reduce the risk of them breaking. Externally, decoctions are used to rinse the oral cavity in cases of inflammation.

Horsetail for beautiful and strong hair and nails
Thanks to the silicon contained in horsetail, hair is shiny and strong, nails do not split, and the skin aging process is inhibited. Regular drinking of horsetail tea strengthens hair and nails, improves their condition, promotes growth, and prevents brittleness.

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