Herbs can be an effective support in the fight against sinus problems. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant properties, they help to relieve symptoms of inflammation and make breathing easier.
Wormwood is a herb with numerous health properties. Wormwood is recommended primarily for digestive problems, female ailments and in the fight against parasites, but there are also some contraindications to its use.
Veins and arteries transport oxygen and nutrients to all cells, tissues and organs. When blood vessels become clogged, it can lead to circulatory disorders and heart disease. To prevent this, along with a healthy diet and physical activity, herbs can help cleanse vessels and improve blood flow.
Herbs are a natural and effective support in regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Through various mechanisms of action, they support cardiovascular health, improve fat metabolism and protect the liver.
Ashwagandha root has stress-relieving and calming properties. It can improve energy levels, enhance endurance and support cognitive function by boosting memory and concentration. Additionally, ashwagandha is often used to support immune health, balance hormones and promote better quality sleep.
Horsetail is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, primarily silicon, which is so important for the good condition of hair, skin and nails. Horsetail tea helps maintain the proper functioning of the urinary tract and soothes skin irritations. How does horsetail work and what else does horsetail help with?
Mullein effectively relieves respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. It is also recommended for throat problems - it moisturizes the mucous membrane and has a coating effect.
Herbal teas offer a range of health benefits, including promoting relaxation, aiding digestion and boosting immunity. Depending on the type, they can help reduce stress, relieve nausea, improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Herbal teas are rich in antioxidants and nutrients.
The liver is an extremely busy organ: it is responsible for metabolism, helps maintain body temperature, stores vitamin reserves and neutralizes toxins, medications and alcohol. Without proper support, especially in old age, it may not cope. Herbs can help with detoxification, regeneration and improving liver function.