Are Herbs Better Than Painkillers? 3 Natural Remedies To Consider

Are Herbs Better Than Painkillers? 3 Natural Remedies To Consider

We tend to reach for the nearest painkiller at the first sign of pain.

Our trusted ibuprofen and aspirin medication comes in handy when we experience headaches, cramps, toothaches, upset stomach and other bodily pains - But, so do herbs!

The process of using herbs in lieu of painkillers has been centuries in the making. Our ancestors created their very own healing tinctures and teas from a variety of herbs.

All modern medicine has some roots tied into traditional herbal medicine As a result, the ingredients that make up your go-to painkillers can be found in natural, pain killing herbs.

Now, it s time to revisit those very recipes - Consider drinking herbal teas to relieve recurring aches and pains.

We recommend the following herbal remedies that offer some natural pain relief:

      Lemon Verbena

      White Willow Bark

      Happy Head - Blend

These tea blends have distinctive anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, allowing each of them to double as herbs for pain relief.

Relieving pain often requires visiting the doctor and filling the correct prescription to address your symptoms. However, we don t all have the time, energy or money to do that.

Instead, these herbal remedies can offer some aid for common symptoms like aches, pains, soreness, tenderness and inflammation, among countless others. They make for the perfect natural herbal pain killers.

So, how exactly does lemon verbena help with pain?


Photo of Biokoma s Lemon Verbena (dried herbs)

#1: Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena, or Aloysia citrodora, is best known for its effect on digestive problems, like bloating, flatulence and cramping. In addition to this, the leaves and flowers are often used as decorative pieces. Its lemon scent also makes it a must-have for chefs and bakers alike.

However, lemon verbena use can stretch into offering natural pain relief, too.

One study highlighted the efficiency of lemon verbena against joint pain. Among the 45 patients involved, some received a supplement made of lemon verbena extract and fish oil. These patients joint pain and joint stiffness were greatly improved after nine (9) weeks.

Another study detailed the connection between lemon verbena and muscle repair. Muscles take quite the toll---especially during physical activity---and can lead to muscle soreness and swelling.

Fortunately, a 2016 study confirmed that lemon verbena herb reduced muscle damage after strenuous exercise. Said extract was given to male athletes over the course of 21 days following a 90-minute running session. The findings solidified that damage to the fats, proteins and muscles within the body.

Photo of Biokoma s Lemon Verbena herbal tea


With these studies in mind, it s safe to assume that using lemon verbena for pain is a viable natural alternative to painkillers.

One of the chemical components found in lemon verbena is Verbascoside - This chemical is known to be both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Both of these properties effectively reduce pain, swelling, fever and some discomfort.

Along with these benefits, dried lemon verbena leaves are widely used in treating asthma and symptoms of the common cold.

Photo of Biokoma s White Willow Bark (dried herbs)


#2: White Willow Bark

Known as the European willow or Salix alba, the white willow is one of the many species of the willow plant.

White willow bark is among some of the best herbs for arthritis. Drinking tea brewed from its leaves offers some natural pain relief - Some would go as far as to compare white willow bark to aspirin, and with good reason!

In a 2001 study, 39 patients with osteoarthritis were given white willow bark extract over the course of two weeks. Compared to those who received a placebo instead, white willow extract reduced their pain score by 14%.

This is partly due to the analgesic properties within the white willow extract - That is, the properties in any medicine that specifically targets pain.

The effects of white willow bark on back pain were also highlighted in 2004. During that study, a total of 669 patients with musculoskeletal pain were given either an ethanolic extract of white willow bark versus conventional treatment. Their findings confirmed that the extract was considerably effective.

Photo of Biokoma s White Willow Bark herbal tea

Traditionally, white willow bark was used to reduce fever and inflammation - We can thank the salicin chemical found within it for that! However, it is common to use white willow bark for headaches!

Along with those uses, white willow bark also has antiseptic and antioxidant properties - This is due to its polyphenols and flavonoids (ie: plant chemicals).

All in all, white willow bark is among one of the safest natural pain remedies.


Photo of Biokoma s Happy Head Blend (dried herbs)


#3: Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend

Biokoma s Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend is our highly recommended tea for headache.

If you ve ever described your headaches/migraines as pounding, then this might be the all-natural remedy for you. Besides targeting the root of your headache, Happy Head supports healthy blood flow to the brain and calms you down!

Unlike the other two herbs listed, this recommendation is a combination of herbs for pain. Here are a few of the natural pain relief herbs featured in the Happy Head package:


Known for its potent effects, the Rosebay Willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium) is used in treating fevers, stomach ulcers, swelling and, of course, migraines.

Yarrow Herb:

Reducing menstrual cramps, stomach ulcers and inflammation are just some of the ways that yarrow herb tea acts as a painkiller. Chewing yarrow leaves also reportedly relieves toothaches.

Valerian Root:

From menstrual cramps to migraines, the chemical properties found in valerian root (or Valeriana officinalis) reduce tension, stress, anxiety and pain from rheumatoid arthritis, too.

Elderberry Flower:

Besides headaches, the elderberry plant was traditionally used in easing toothaches, nerve pain and heart pain. Conditions like sciatica, influenza and common infections are also treatable!.

Now, don t be misled: These are only a few of the pain-killing herbs featured in the Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend - That link takes you directly to the product page, so you re free to view the other benefits of this herbal infusion.

It s now time to decide what herbal blend would best replace your painkiller of choice!

Photo of Biokoma s Happy Head Organic Blend


What Is The Best Herbal Tea For Pain? (+Conclusion)

What if a cup of tea could do exactly what your painkillers can?

Whether you re on the lookout for natural analgesics or alternative pain relievers, we recommend the following herbs as the best natural pain killers:

      Lemon Verbena

      White Willow Bark

      Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend

Firstly, lemon verbena is a naturally citrus-scented herbal tea for pain relief. Some of its proven benefits include reducing joint pain, joint stiffness and muscle damage. Lemon verbena also helps with common digestive problems like flatulence and stomach cramps.

Brewing a cup of lemon verbena tea is easy: Add a teaspoon of Biokoma s Lemon Verbena Dried Cut Leaves to hot water and leave covered for about 10 minutes. You re free to drink lemon verbena 1-2 times per day!

Secondly, white willow bark specifically targets musculoskeletal pain and osteoarthritis pain according to some studies. Regarded as Mother Nature s very own aspirin, white willow bark has also been used for its relieving effects against headaches.

Instead of scavenging outside, consider adding Biokoma s White Willow Bark (Salix Alba) Organic Dried Cut to your pain relief arsenal. Add 2 teaspoons of this bark to your cup and pour boiling water over it. Let sit for up to 15 minutes - Once through, strain and enjoy (2x a day works well).

Lastly, mixing some of the most potent pain relief herbs could be the substitute you ve been looking for! The Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend combines anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Curated to target migraines, this infusion also targets other pains within the body.

Included in each cup is a blend of yarrow leaves, elderberry flower and valerian root, among other herbs. Brewing Happy Head Organic Herbal Blend is similar to other teas - However, the benefits of doing so makes it the most natural painkiller on this list.

Regardless of which tea you pick, this should highlight how some herbs are potentially better than painkillers.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.


Lemon Verbena:

White Willow Bark:

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