Cistus - Rock Rose (Cistus incanus) Dried Leaves Health Benefits

Cistus - Rock Rose (Cistus incanus) Dried Leaves Herbal Tea
Cistus incanus - cleansing herb, it is one of the richest sources of polyphenols-phenolic compounds belonging to the group of plant substances with antioxidant activity supporting the human immune system. Cistus Incanus offers a rich source of polyphenols, proanthocyandidins, bioflavonoids, catechins, gallic acid, rutin and other beneficial bioactive compounds.

Health Benefits:
  • As a strong antioxidant plant it has a great ability to capture and remove free radicals, so it has a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and vitalizing effect on human body.
  • Flushes toxins and heavy metals, slowing down the aging process.
  • Strengthens the immune system, acts as firewall against diseases:
  1. Acts against diseases of the sinuses
  2. Works against embolic and thrombotic blood
  3. Anti-inflammatory
  4. Acts antiviral
  5. Antibacterial
  6. Acts antifungal Prevents coronary heart disease
  • Supports anti-allergic treatments.
  • Alleviates gastrointestinal infections.
  • It can bring relief to men of older age who suffer from enlarged prostate, since it has antiproliferative and cytotoxic properties.
  • Drinking the extract from Cistus Incanus regularly causes a change in the smell of body discharge. In case of a problem with, e.g. an unpleasant smell of sweat (armpits, feet), after a few weeks of drinking tea made of cistus, it will be noticeable that the unpleasant smell has greatly reduced.
  • Cistus Incanus can also be used for pets in order to protect them against fleas and ticks.

Preparation and dosage:
In a cup add 1-2 teaspoons, pour boiling water, brew covered for about 8-10 minutes, strain it and drink it regularly throughout the day.

Ingredients: 100% Organic Cistus Inacnus

Country of Origin: Turkey

All information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult your doctor prior to use.


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