Lavender - not just a wonderful scent

Lavender - not just a wonderful scent
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) is one of the most famous herbs in the world. Everyone probably knows its wonderful, aromatic, soothing scent. But Lavender is not just a beautiful scent. Lavender flowers contain all the most desirable ingredients, such as tannins, triterpenes, coumarins, phytosterols, anthocyanins, organic acids, mineral salts. But what is most valuable in lavender is its essential oil. Let's take a look at all the Lavender tea benefits and get you brewing up a floral cup of goodness.

Lavender calms and stimulates
The aromatic compounds contained in lavender oil have a toning effect on the nervous system. This means that the scent of this oil calms, relieves the effects of emotional stress and nervous tension, and makes it easier to fall asleep. Dried lavender flowers and leaves can be put in a linen bag and kept by the pillow - they will help you sleep peacefully at night. On the other hand, in the case of tiredness and fatigue, the scent of lavender stimulates mental activity.

Lavender supports the digestive system
The substances contained in lavender flowers and leaves are helpful in various digestive system problems - they stimulate the secretion of gastric juices and bile, improve appetite, accelerate digestion, relieve colic and flatulence, and accelerate peristaltic movements of the intestines. In this way, they help in the treatment of constipation and ailments caused by indigestion.

Lavender relieves pain
By drinking tea made from lavender flowers, which have a relaxing effect on the muscles, you can relieve, for example, menstrual pain and abdominal pain caused by the accumulation of gas. On the other hand, the scent of this plant is an effective remedy for physical symptoms caused by stress, such as tension headaches or migraines. Massages with lavender oil will perfectly relieve tension muscle pain, as well as rheumatic joint and muscle pain. A similar effect is also achieved by compresses or baths using oil or infusion.

Lavender helps treat infections
The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of lavender oil make it very helpful in fighting various infections. In the case of sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis or tonsillitis, inhalation with the oil works great. It is also worth using it to gargle. During the period of increased risk of colds and flu, you can use a lavender tincture as a preventive measure, which not only fights microorganisms, but also stimulates the immune system. On the other hand, drinking an infusion of lavender flowers and herb is very helpful in fighting cystitis, because it also has a diuretic effect.

Lavender for skin problems
Due to its strong antiseptic and antifungal properties, lavender oil is used in the treatment of acne. It also facilitates the healing of wounds and accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, which is why it is often found in tonics, as well as creams intended for sensitive and delicate skin.

Lavender for mosquitoes
Lavender has a mosquito repellent effect. To repel mosquitoes, you can apply lavender oil to your skin. Importantly, the oil also relieves itching, pain and redness after mosquito bites.

Lavender in the kitchen
The use of lavender in the kitchen is very wide. It is commonly used as an ingredient and spice in many dishes in France, Spain and Italy. It can be used raw, in the form of dried leaves or lavender extract. It is added to roast lamb, stewed meat, fish soup. It goes perfectly with grilled dishes. Freshly cut lavender leaves are great for vegetable salads, sauces, wines, and wine vinegars.

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Lavender - not just a wonderful scent
Lavender is one of the most famous herbs in the world. Everyone probably knows its wonderful, aromatic, soothing scent. But Lavender is not just a beautiful scent. Let's take a look at all the Lavender tea benefits and get you brewing up a floral cup of goodness.